The idea behind sharing a match or linking to a match is that a referee can share the match straight from his/her wrist to many other people who are interested in the progression of the match. These can be:
- other referees
- coaches of the team(s)
- supporters near the field or far from it
- Audiences on (grand)stands who will look at a scoreboard / large TV screen
- Audiences in cantines or other places that use a large TV screen (as a scoreboard)
One person shares the match and performs all the match actions (like adding a goal or pausing the match) and all the linked devices will automatically receive updates of this, until the match is ended, reset or the person sharing the match stops sharing.
The following has to be taken into account:
- the referee has to have a properly working internet connection
- the receiving devices must have a properly working internet connection
- referee updates are slower updated on other devices than expected
- this is normal behavior and probably due to required processing time on our servers or due to network latency
- the timers on devices are not 100% the same
- this is normal behavior and probably due to the fact that the time on some devices slightly differ. We've implemented solutions to limit this as much as possible, but slight changes (less than 2 seconds) are possible.
- updates are not always processed on each device
- this is normal behavior. If there was a network disruption and the device missed its update, it will be updated with the next update and will temporarily be out of sync.
One remark: the timings and score on the referee's watch that shares the match is always correct and overrules any other device.